Guidelines for Compliance
Recommended approach to claims and record keeping
In October 2023 HMRC published guidance (GfC3) on the process it expects claimants to follow when preparing a claim for R&D tax relief. Much of this guidance is the same as that found in the CIRD. However, the GfC3 also contains details about the ...
Importance of competent professionals
In October 2023 HMRC published guidance (GfC3) on the process it expects claimants to follow when preparing a claim for R&D tax relief. Much of this guidance is the same as that found in the CIRD. However, the GfC3 also contains details what ...
What do HMRC expect from R&D tax relief claimants?
In October 2023 HMRC published guidance (GfC3) on the process it expects claimants to follow when preparing a claim for R&D tax relief. Much of this guidance is the same as that found in the CIRD. However, the GfC3 also contains details about the ...